Path to Learning: Creating a Regional LAB Environment
Table of Contents
Getting Started
Your Profile
Regional Role
Creating a Zone
Creating a Circuit
Creating a Congregation
Adding an Applicant
My Ministry
Getting Started
This article outlines the steps to take the first time you log into Gate Access. After following these steps, your account setup will be complete and you will be ready to use the website.
Your Profile
This article will teach you how to create and update your profile. If you have regional permissions, you will be able to edit all fields in your profile.
Regional Role
This article provides a general overview of the features of the Gate Access website that are accessible when you log in with a regional role. More detailed instructions for creating zones, circuits, and congregations can be found below.
Creating a Zone
Sequential Steps for Creating a Zone
This article will help you create a new zone in Gate Access.
Creating a Circuit
Sequential Steps for Adding a Circuit
This article will teach you how to add circuits within a zone.
Creating a Congregation
Sequential Steps for Adding a Congregation
This article contains instructions on how to add congregations to a circuit.
Now you are ready to set up the modules that are used most often in a regional office administrative role.
Adding an Applicant
Overview and Sequential Steps - Applicant Module
This comprehensive article will teach you how to use the Applicant module to enter application data into the website.
The steps found under Adding an Applicant (see above) taught you how to approve an applicant. Once approved, an applicant automatically becomes a volunteer. This is the only way to add volunteers in Gate Access.
Overview and Sequential Steps of the Facilities Module
This article contains a comprehensive overview of what you can see and do in the Facilities module. First, you will learn how to search for, add, edit, and delete facilities.
This article shows you how to add and edit information for a given facility.
In this article, you will learn how to add and edit contact information for the personnel (facility contact, contact congregations, and staff) assigned to a facility.
This article describes how to view and edit information for volunteers who have already been assigned to a particular facility.
This article describes how to view and edit information for inmates who have already been assigned to a particular facility.
This article contains information on adding and editing shifts held within each facility.
This article contains information on adding meetings to a facility.
This article will guide you through the process of recording, viewing, and reporting activity for inmates who are baptized or unbaptized publishers.
My Ministry
My Ministry is a Gate Access dashboard that helps you organize and track your prison ministry.
This article describes what you will see when you select My Ministry in Gate Access, and how you can get personal assistance by using the live chat feature.
This article provides information on managing your prison witnessing schedule.
This article will teach you how to view, create, and change your shifts, time away, and meeting assignments.
In this article, you will learn how to manage the inmates that you have been assigned to correspond and study with. You will also find out how to attach notes and correspondence to an inmate.
This article teaches you how to view and record your prison witnessing activity.
Last Updated: June 16, 2022