Overview and Sequential Steps of the Facilities Module
Overview: This article is intended to provide an overview of the Facilities Module. You will learn the purpose of each section of the Module as well as the sequential steps for their use.
- The Facilities Module landing page displays facilities and allows the volunteer to Export facility information, Add a new facility, or Edit a current facility.
- The Facility Info Tab contains relevant and current information for the selected facility. It is also the starting point when adding a new facility.
- The Directory Tab will allow the user to manage the contacts for a particular facility, including the facility contact(s), congregation contacts, and facility staff.
- The Volunteers Tab displays information for volunteers that have been assigned to interact with residents at a particular facility.
- The Residents Tab provides a list of all residents that are currently being contacted through the PWPP.
- The Shifts Tab can be used to add or edit shifts, such as open-ended visits and/or meetings.
- Meetings Tab can be used to create meetings, meeting agenda’s and settings.
- The Activity Tab provides a summary of field service activity performed by Residents within the selected facility that can then be forwarded as needed.
- The Documents Tab allows for relevant documents to be attached to the facility.
Type of Administrative Access: Minimum Access Level needed to follow this article is Facility.
- Note: Facility Contact will have limited editing permissions.
Landing Page
Step 1 My Ministry Landing page, select Facilities from the Navigation Panel.
Step 2 The Facilities landing page shows, Facility Name, Location, Branch ID, Agency Type, Location Type, and Zone.
- The search box may be employed to search for a Facility Name or Location. Begin typing in the search box and click the Search icon to execute the search.
- To sort the results, hover over the field and click the Arrow.
- Click the Export button in the upper right corner of the table to export the results of the search into a .csv (comma-separated values) file that can be opened as a spreadsheet.
- To make changes to an existing Facility, select the ellipsis on far right of the facility’s record. You may choose to Edit or Delete the Facility Profile. This option is only available to Zone and Regional Contacts.
- Select the pagination to set the number of rows for each page.
Facility Info Tab
Step 1 My Ministry Landing page, select Facilities from the Navigation Panel.
Step 2 The Facilities landing page shows, Facility Name, Location, Branch ID, Agency Type, Location Type, and Zone.
- The search box may be employed to search for a Facility Name or Location. Begin typing in the search box and click the Search icon to execute the search.
- To sort the results, hover over the field and click the Arrow.
- To make changes to an existing Facility, click on the Facility Name or select the ellipsis on far right of the facility’s record and select Edit.
- To create a new Facility, click the Add button, in the top right.
- Note: This feature is available to Zone and Regional contacts only. Facility contacts will see the button as inactive (grey).
Step 3 The Facility Info Tab will allow you to enter all the pertinent information needed to create a facility. All required fields are denoted with an asterisk (*).
Step 4 Populate the fields in the following areas:
- Enter the official Facility Name.
- The Branch ID is a number supplied by the Branch.
- Select the Zone from the dropdown box. The options available will depend on your permissions within Gate Access.
- Select the Facility Location Type from the dropdown box.
- Select the Agency Type from the dropdown box.
- Enter External Code, if applicable.
- Select the Gender based on which gender(s) the facility houses.
Step 5 Enter the physical address of the Facility Location in these fields.
- This address will also update the map that is available on this tab. Use the expand map icon on the top right-hand corner to enlarge the map on your screen. Use the plus and minus icons to zoom in and out, respectively.
Step 6 Enter the Facility Mailing Address. The mailing address is generally different from the physical location and is often a PO Box.
Step 7 Enter a Return Address. This the postal address that Residents should use when corresponding. This is typically a PO Box set up by the contact congregation assigned to care for this facility.
Step 8 Click Save to create this profile and to unlock the other tabs at the top of this page associated with this facility.
Directory Tab
Step 1 My Ministry Landing page, select Facilities from the Navigation Panel.
Step 2 The Facilities landing page shows, Facility Name, Location, Branch ID, Agency Type, Location Type, and Zone.
- The search box may be employed to search for a Facility Name or Location. Begin typing in the search box and click the Search icon to execute the search.
- To sort the results, hover over the field and click the Arrow.
- To make changes to an existing Facility, click on the Facility Name or select the ellipsis on far right of the facility’s record and select Edit.
- To create a new Facility, click the Add button, in the top right.
- Note: This feature is available to Zone and Regional contacts only. Facility contacts will see the button as inactive (grey).
Step 3 Select the Directory Tab. You will see the Facility Contacts card, Contact Congregations card, and Facility Staff card.
Step 4 Under Facility Contacts the assigned Primary Contact and any Assistant Contacts for the facility will be located int this section.
Step 5 Click on Contact Congregations to see the Congregation(s) that have been assigned to care for the facility.
- The Congregation’s Language will already be preselected by the Zone Contacts.
Step 6 Click on Facility Staff to view the Name, Position, Email, and Phone number of the corresponding staff associated with the facility.
Step 7 To Edit or Delete existing Facility Staff, select the ellipsis on the far right of the far-right side of the selected staff member.
Step 8 To Add Facility Staff, click the Add Icon found on the upper right side.
Step 9 A drawer entitled Add Facility Staff Member will appear. Fill out the required areas, First Name and Last Name, denoted by the asterisk (*). The Position, Email, and Phone number are not required areas, but enter as much information as you have available.
Step 10 Select Save when all information is entered.
Step 11 If the Save button is active (purple), click the Save button found on the upper right side before proceeding to the next tab, otherwise all changes will be discarded.
Note: If the button is grey (inactive), then there is no need to save anything.
Volunteers Tab
Step 1 My Ministry Landing page, select Facilities from the Navigation Panel.
Step 2 The Facilities landing page shows, Facility Name, Location, Branch ID, Agency Type, Location Type, and Zone.
- The search box may be employed to search for a Facility Name or Location. Begin typing in the search box and click the Search icon to execute the search.
- To sort the results, hover over the field and click the Arrow.
- To make changes to an existing Facility, click on the Facility Name or select the ellipsis on far right of the facility’s record and select Edit.
- To create a new Facility, click the Add button, in the top right.
- Note: This feature is available to Zone and Regional contacts only. Facility contacts will see the button as inactive (grey).
Step 3 Select the Volunteers Tab to view the volunteers assigned to this facility.
- Note: The volunteer’s name will display on the list if the facility has been added to the Volunteer’s Profile.
Step 4 The Volunteers Tab shows Name, Role, Congregation, Residents Assigned, Phone, and Email.
- The search box may be employed to search for a Name, Role or Congregation. Begin typing in the Search box and click the Search icon to execute the search.
- To sort the results, hover over the field and click the arrow.
Step 5 To view the Volunteers’ personal information, click the ellipsis and then select Volunteer Profile.
- When in the Volunteer Profile, you will only have the ability to view the Volunteer’s information in each respective tab.
Residents Tab
Step 1 My Ministry Landing page, select Facilities from the Navigation Panel.
Step 2 The Facilities landing page shows, Facility Name, Location, Branch ID, Agency Type, Location Type, and Zone.
- The search box may be employed to search for a Facility Name or Location. Begin typing in the search box and click the Search icon to execute the search.
- To sort the results, hover over the field and click the Arrow.
- To make changes to an existing Facility, click on the Facility Name or select the ellipsis on far right of the facility’s record and select Edit.
- To create a new Facility, click the Add button, in the top right.
- Note: This feature is available to Zone and Regional contacts only. Facility contacts will see the button as inactive (grey).
Step 3 Select the Residents tab. Displayed will be the Incoming Transfers card followed by a list of interested Residents who are currently at the selected facility.
Note: The Incoming Transfers card will only be displayed if there are any residents in transit between facilities.
Step 4 The list will display the Name, Resident Status, Congregation, Volunteer (In-Person), and Volunteer (Correspondence). Use the search box to locate a specific resident, by searching their Name in the search box. The list can also be sorted by using the arrow to the right of name.
Step 5 To View and/or Edit the Resident Profile, click on the Resident’s Name or the chevron (right arrow).
- To save changes made to the Resident Profile, click on Save. In the lower right-hand corner, Residents Profile Saved will be displayed once your updates have been saved.
Step 6 To designate a resident as released from a facility, click on Release.
Step 7 The Release Resident drawer will open on the right of your screen. In the Comments Field, enter any helpful comments. In the confirmation popup, click the Release button to finalize the resident’s release.
- Note: Once a resident is released, all resident data will be deleted from Gate Access.
Shifts Tab
To Add or View Existing Shifts
Step 1 From your My Ministry Landing Page, select Facilities from the Navigation Panel.
Step 2 To open the desired Facility, click on the Facility Name or the ellipsis, then Edit.
Step 3 Click the Shifts tab to add or view existing shifts.
Step 4 To view or edit an existing shift, click in the Row of the specific Shift or click the right Chevron at the end of the row.
Step 5 The Edit Shift drawer will open on the right of your screen. Here, you can view/edit the shift details. Should you edit any available fields or add Notes, click Save.
Step 6 To add a shift, click the +Add button.
- Note: Shifts may not overlap in time. Shifts must be scheduled a minimum of 1 minute apart.
Step 7 The Add Shift drawer will open to the right of the screen. Select from the dropdown the Gender, Max Vol (maximum volunteers), shift Name, shift Day, and any Notes for the shift.
- To enter the Start Time and End Time, click in the field. A clock dial will appear.
- Click the hour field at the top and rotate the arm to the appropriate Start/End Time hour.
- Click the minute field at the top and rotate the arm to the appropriate Start/End Time minute.
- Select AM or PM.
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Step 8 Click Save.
- Note: You will receive an error validation message if you try to create an existing shift or if the shift overlaps with another.
Step 9 You will be returned to the Shift Schedules page. A confirmation of the added shift will briefly display in the bottom right corner. Continue to add additional shifts if required.
Meetings Tab
Step 1 From your My Ministry (home) landing page, select Facilities from the Navigation Panel.
Step 2 Select the desired Facility by clicking on the row or clicking on the ellipsis and selecting Edit.
Step 3 Click on the Meetings Tab.
- Note: There are three (3) sections that can assist you with creating meeting agendas and scheduling meetings; Scheduled Meetings, Meeting Agenda Templates, and Meeting Settings.
Step 4 Under Meeting Settings, select the minimum and maximum number of Volunteers Per Meeting.
- Note: Changes will be automatically saved. After making any changes you will see a confirmation notification.
Step 5 To create a custom meeting part, under Agenda Customizations, select Manage Parts.
- Note: The Manage Custom Parts drawer will open. A list of Default System Parts will be displayed. If a part is not found in this list, a Custom Part can be added.
Step 6 Click on Add Custom Part button. Create and enter a name for the custom part and click Save.
- Note: An example of a custom part may be an abbreviated Watchtower Study.
Step 7 To create a custom meeting assignment, under Agenda Customizations, select Manage Assignments.
- Note: The Manage Custom Assignments drawer will open. A list of Default System Assignments will be displayed. If an assignment is not found in this list, a Custom Assignment can be added.
Step 8 Click on Add Custom Assignments button. Create and enter a name for the custom assignment and click Save.
Step 9 To create a meeting agenda template, under the Meeting Agenda Templates, select the Add button.
- Note: You can create as many Meeting Agenda Templates as needed.
Step 10 Enter the Template Name and select the applicable Agenda Setup.
For example, a template name might be “Midweek Meeting”.
- Note: The Agenda Setup allows you to Start new (manual), Start from the agenda template, or Start from another meeting. Click Add in the Scheduled Meetings card.
Step 11 To add meeting parts, select the Add Meeting Part button.
Step 12 From the Add Meeting Part Drawer, enter the Part Name and Duration.
- Note: Duration is not required. If you add a custom assignment, it will get added to the custom assignment settings list, to be used again if needed. After all Meeting Agenda Templates are entered and saved, you can view a complete list of templates.
- If more than one assignment is needed for this part, select the Multiple assignments for part box, and select the applicable assignment types.
- For more than two assignment options, select Add Part Assignment and select from the dropdown option the assignment needed, or you can create and add a new custom assignment.
- Note: If you add a custom assignment, it will get added to the custom assignment settings list, to be used again if needed. After all Meeting Agenda Templates are entered and saved, you can view a complete list of templates.
- After all necessary part assignments have been added, click Save.
Step 13 To edit a Meeting Agenda Template, from your My Ministry (home) landing page, select Facilities from the Navigation Panel.
Step 14 Select the desired Facility.
Step 15 Click on the Meetings Tab.
Step 16 Under the Meeting Agenda Templates section, use the Chevron arrow to select the Meeting Agenda Template to edit.
- Note: Edits can be made to the Template Name, Parts, or Duration. You can add or delete parts, edit existing parts, and move the order of parts. Additionally, you can print or email an agenda.
Step 17 Click on the ellipsis next to the meeting part and select Edit. When all edits are complete for the meeting template, click Save.
Schedule a New Meeting
Step 1 To Schedule Meetings, from your My Ministry (home) landing page, select Facilities from the Navigation Panel.
Step 2 Select the desired Facility.
Step 3 Click on the Meetings Tab.
Step 4 Under the Schedule Meetings section, click on the Add button. You will be taken to the Add Facility Meeting page.
Step 5 Select the Meeting Type.
- Note: A Group meeting may be a Group Bible Study or similar arrangement.
Step 6 Under Meeting Recurrence, and select, between One time only or Recurring meeting and complete the remaining details, Repeat Every, Repeat On, Start Time, End Time, the Start Date, and End Date by clicking the Dropdown Menu, Clock Icon, Calendar Icon, or by entering dates in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
Step 7 Under Meeting Details, enter the Meeting Name, select the Gender and Language, and note the Location Within Facility.
- Note: Note to Volunteers may be added as well.
Step 8 Select the type of Agenda Setup. When making changes to agenda templates you will get validation to Confirm and/or Save.
Step 9 After the Meeting Agenda has been saved, volunteers can be assigned their individual meeting parts.
Step 10 Select the Assigned To dropdown menu to assign a volunteer to a part.
- Note: All volunteers assigned to the facility will appear in the dropdown menu and are eligible to be assigned to meeting parts.
View a Scheduled Meeting
Step 1 To View Scheduled Meetings from your My Ministry (home) landing page, select Facilities from the Navigation Panel.
Step 2 Select the desired Facility.
Step 3 Click on the Meetings Tab.
Step 4 Under the Schedule Meetings section, use the ellipsis to Edit, Download Agenda (PDF), E-Mail Agenda, Resend Notifications, or Delete Meeting.
- Note: The Scheduled Meetings section will show the Date, the Meeting details, the number of Assignments Accepted (font will be red when the number of assignments has not been accepted), Language, Gender, and Attendance.
- Note: A grayed-out meeting means this is a past meeting.
Step 5 To filter scheduled meetings by Month and Language and optionally Open Assignments, select the Filter Icon.
Step 6 To Download Agenda as a PDF document select the ellipsis on the far right of the scheduled meeting.
- Select Download Agenda (PDF).
- Open the PDF document.
- Note: To Resend Notifications, follow the same steps taken when downloading the agenda.
Approve Resident for Meeting Assignments
Step 1 To approve a resident for meeting assignments from the Navigation Panel, click on Facilities.
Step 2 Select the desired Facility.
Step 3 Click on the Residents Tab.
Step 4 Select a resident with Resident Status of Baptized or Unbaptized Publisher.
Step 5 Select the Status tab.
Step 6 Expand the Interest card by clicking on the carat..
Step 7 Select the Attends Meetings box.
Step 8 Select the Assigned Parts box.
Step 9 Select the Save button to save the changes.
How to Record Meeting Attendance
Step 1 To Record Meeting Attendance click on Facilities from the Navigation Panel and select the desired Facility.
Step 2 Click on the Meetings Tab and select the past meeting date.
- Note: Activity can only be recorded the day after the meeting takes place. If the meeting is in a previous month, use the Scheduled Meetings Filter to select the Month
Step 3 Click on the ellipsis, past meetings will only have one option: click on Meeting Record.
- Note: The Meeting Record Drawer will open.
Step 4 Add or update Attendance, Visitors, or Comments, then click Save.
Activity Tab
Step 1 From the Navigation Panel, select Facilities.
Step 2 Select the Facility by clicking on the Facility Name or clicking the ellipsis at the end of the row, then Edit.
Step 3 Click on the Activity Tab.
Step 4 The Activity Tab will display the Current Month Service Report and the Current Month Reports card. To display activity for a different month, click on the Chevron at the top right of the card.
- Note: The Residents’ Name can be sorted by clicking the up/down arrow next to Resident Name.
Step 5 To add service activity, select the Resident Name or the chevron (right arrow) at the end of the row.
- Note: Residents who are publishers and assigned to the selected Facility and Congregation will display in alphabetical order.
Step 6 Determine if the resident shared in the ministry, and if any Bible studies were conducted during the report month.
- If the resident did share in the ministry during the report month, select Shared in any form of the ministry during the month.
- If the resident did not share in the ministry during the report month, select Did not participate in ministry during the month.
- Enter the number of Bible Studies Conducted.
Step 7 When all information has been entered, click the Save button. Clicking Cancel will clear out any information entered, and after confirming the action, will return you to the Activity Tab Landing Page.
- Note: After saving, the drawer will automatically close, and the Month Reports will display the activity that was recorded for the selected Resident.
Step 8 The Monthly Report Card will display the updated total number for each type of activity for all Residents assigned to the selected Facility.
Step 9 Once you have completed entering the Activity for all Residents within the Facility for the desired month, click on Send Report.
Step 10 The Send Resident Activity Report drawer will display the congregation that will receive the Monthly Service Report. The report will default to the current month. To edit the Month, select the Calendar Icon. Use the Congregation dropdown menu to select the assigned Congregation. Click Send once the report is complete and ready for the receiving congregation.
- Once the congregation is selected, the name of the Secretary will automatically populate the Congregation Recipient section of the Activity Report.
- The Comments to Recipient box is provided to send a message to the Congregation Recipient of the Activity Report.
- Note: To close a drawer without saving changes, select the Cancel button. This will prompt a pop-up confirmation window. Select Leave to close without saving or Stay to resume editing the report.
- After sending the Monthly Activity Report, you will be returned to the Activity screen.
Documents Tab
Step 1 My Ministry Landing page, select Facilities from the Navigation Panel.
Step 2 The Facilities landing page shows, Facility Name, Location, Branch ID, Agency Type, Location Type, and Zone.
- The search box may be employed to search for a Facility Name or Location. Begin typing in the search box and click the Search icon to execute the search.
- To sort the results, hover over the field and click the Arrow.
- To make changes to an existing Facility, click on the Facility Name or select the ellipsis on far right of the facility’s record and select Edit.
- To create a new Facility, click the Add button, in the top right.
Note: This feature is available to Zone and Regional contacts only. Facility contacts will see the button as inactive (grey).
Step 3 To add a document for a Facility, click on the Documents Tab, then click the Add button.
Step 4 In the Add Document drawer, there are two options to upload a document. There is the ability to either Drag and drop files or Browse Files so as to upload them from your computer.
Note: All documents must be 5MB or less in a PDF format
Step 5 Select a Document Type from the dropdown menu. Enter the Description of the document.
- To remove the uploaded document, click the X button.
Step 6 Select Save when finished.
Step 7 The uploaded document will appear on the Documents landing page.
Note: To make changes to an existing document, select the Ellipses on the far right of the listed document. You may choose to View, Download, or Delete to change the document.
Last Updated: January 26, 2024