Overview: This article is intended to provide an overview of the Residents Module. You will learn the purpose of each section of the Module as well as the sequential steps for its use.

  • The Residents Module Landing Page displays a list of residents that can be filtered by search criteria and allows a zone or regional contact to add or edit a resident.
  • The Profile Tab contains a selected resident’s personal and location information. It is also the starting point when adding a new resident.
  • The Status Tab contains a selected resident’s spiritual status, including assigned congregation and level of Interest.
  • The Interactions Tab contains a record of the resident’s correspondence history and any associated resident notes.
  • The Publisher Record Tab is available if the resident’s spiritual status allows them to report field service activity and contains a resident’s service year report.


Access Level:  The Administrative Access level (permission) needed to follow this article is Region or Zone contact.




Landing Page


Step 1 From the Navigation Panel, click Residents to open the Residents Landing Page.


  • Note: If you do not see the Residents Module in your Navigation Panel, communicate with your Zone or Regional Contact for assistance.



Step 2 The Residents Landing Page shows Search Criteria and a resulting list of residents.  This list will remain unpopulated until the criteria is selected and/or the Search button is clicked.


 A screenshot of a search box

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Step 3 Click Search to view all residents in the region or zone.




Step 4 To search the list of residents, enter criteria by clicking on the Search by dropdown menu in the Search Criteria card and select either Zone or State.



  • Enter additional search criteria by clicking on the Zone or State dropdown menu and selecting from the displayed options.
    • Note: Options displayed here are based on your prior selection.


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  • To further filter your search, click More Options. In the Resident Search Options drawer, expand each category, and check the box next to each of your desired search selections. Click Save to keep your search selections and close the drawer.



  • Click Search to see the resulting list of residents.


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  • Note: You can also search residents filtered by Transfer Status. Residents pending transfer will have the wording Transfer Pending below their name.




Step 5 To Export the list of residents, click Export at the top of the Residents list. 

  • Note: The exported list of residents will contain only the residents that match your search criteria and will be in a .csv file format that can be used in MS Excel or Google Sheets.



Step 6 To Edit a Resident Profile, click on the Name of the resident in the list or click on the ellipsis, and select Edit


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Step 7 To add correspondence, click on the ellipsis and select Add Correspondence.


A screenshot of a social media account

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  • In the Add Correspondence drawer, select the Format, Date, and Source of the correspondence (Sent by volunteer, Received from resident, or Received from branch). Type any comments into the Notes field. Drag and Drop or click Browse Files to upload a digital copy of the correspondence if applicable. Click Save to add the correspondence.



  • Note: For the Digital format, Notes are required. For the Document format, the file that is uploaded must be a PDF under 5 MB in size.


Step 8 To Transfer a resident to another facility, click on the ellipsis at the right of the resident’s record and select Transfer. The Transfer button will be greyed out if the resident is marked Transfer Pending.



  • In the Transfer Resident drawer, use the New Facility dropdown menu to choose the Resident’s new Facility. Add any Comments about the Resident for the new Facility Contact.  Click Transfer.



  • Note: If a transfer has already been initiated for a resident, Transfer Pending will show below the resident’s name in the Residents list.



Step 9 To delete a Resident Profile from the facility, click on the ellipsis and select Delete.


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Step 10 To Add a new resident, click + Add at the top of the Residents list.



Profile Tab


Step 1 After locating the Resident Profile, click on the Profile Tab to add, view, or edit the resident’s Personal Info, Location Info, Facility History, and Profile Photo.  

  • Note: The resident’s record will open initially to the Profile tab



Step 2 The Personal Info card allows you to add, view, or edit a resident’s pertinent personal information. Click within the fields to update the information.

Note: The following fields are required.  

  • Gender
  • First Name
  • Last Name




Step 3 The Profile Photo card allows you to add, view, or edit a resident’s picture.


  • Note: The Profile Photo card will not be visible until after a resident has been created.

  • To Add a new profile photo, click + Add.



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  • In the Add Profile Photo drawer, drag and drop a photo file from your computer onto the Drag and drop file here area or click Browse Files to use the file explorer to navigate to and select a photo file from your computer. 



  • Note: The file you are uploading must be a photo file type (JPG or PNG) and be at least 600 x 600 pixels in size.


  • Once the photo file has been uploaded, you can adjust the rotation and zoom using the controls underneath the photo. 
  • Click Save when all adjustments have been made.




  • To change the profile photo, click Edit.



  • In the Edit Profile Photo drawer, click Delete underneath the photo and then again in the Are You Sure? box.



  • Follow Step 3 above to replace the resident’s profile photo with a different photo.


Step 4 The Location Info card allows you to view a resident’s current Facility, add additional Housing Notes, and Transfer a resident.


  • To add Housing Notes, type into the Housing Notes text field.



  • To Transfer a resident to another Facility, click Transfer



  • In the Transfer Resident drawer, select the resident’s new facility. 


  • Choose By Name to select a facility by the facility name. Select or type the facility name into the New Facility field. 


  • Click By Location to filter the list of facilities by state and choose a state from the State dropdown. Select the facility name from the New Facility dropdown menu.


  • Add any Comments about the Resident for the new Facility Contact.  Click Transfer.



  • Note: If a transfer has already been initiated for a resident, Transfer Pending will show below the resident’s name when you return to the Residents list.



Step 5 The Facility History card allows you to view a resident’s Facility History (transfer history).



  • Note: The Facility History card will always be visible, even if a resident has not been transferred.


Status Tab


Step 1 Select the Status Tab to view and edit the resident’s Spiritual Status and level of Interest.

  • Note: The Interest card will only appear after you select the resident’s Spiritual Interest in the Status card.



Step 2 Click the Spiritual Status dropdown menu to select the applicable status.


  • The options that appear in the Status card will change based on which spiritual status you select.



  • For Unbaptized or Baptized Publisher, select the applicable Congregation from the dropdown menu. In addition, the Inactive box can be checked if the resident’s publishing status is known to be inactive.


  • For the Baptized Publisher, add the baptism date in the Date of Baptism by entering it in YYYY-MM-DD format or selecting a date by clicking the Calendar Icon.




Step 3 From the Interest card, check all boxes that apply to the resident’s interest level.


  • Note: Additional options will appear when you check Attends Meetings, In Person Study, or Correspondence.



Step 4 Check Attends Meetings if the resident attends meetings held in the facility. Check Assigned Parts if the resident is approved to be assigned meeting parts.



Step 5 Check In Person Study to assign a volunteer to visit the resident in the facility.


  • You must assign a Primary In-Person Publisher to the resident when the In Person Study box is checked before you can Save


  • You may also assign a second In-Person Publisher using the provided dropdown menu. If more than two Publishers are assigned, click the + Add Publisher button to add as many as needed.



Step 6 Check Correspondence to assign a volunteer to correspond with the resident.


  • You must assign a Primary Correspondence Volunteer to the Resident when the Correspondence box is checked before you can Save


  • You may also assign a second Correspondence Volunteer using the provided dropdown menu. If more than two Volunteers are assigned, click the + Add Volunteer button to add as many as needed.



Step 7 Click the Save button to save your changes.


  • The Save button will only become active once you have completed all required fields marked with an asterisk.


  • Clicking Cancel will undo any changes you have made since the last time you saved the resident’s record.




Interactions Tab


Step 1 The Interactions Tab shows the Resident Notes card and the Resident Correspondence card for the selected resident. 

  • The notes and correspondence contained are the same notes and correspondence from the My Ministry Residents Tab.


  • The Resident Correspondence card displays all correspondence to and from the resident along with any Branch Office communication.  
    1. The From column shows who sent the correspondence
    2. The Date column shows the date the correspondence was sent or received.
    3. The Status column shows if the correspondence has been read, unread, sent or received.  
  • The Resident Notes card displays the entire resident note. 



Step 2 In the Resident Correspondence card, Regional, Zone, or Branch contacts can add, edit, and delete Resident Correspondence



Step 3 To edit notes or correspondence, click the ellipsis to the right of the note or correspondence record. Select Edit.     



Step 4 To add a note or correspondence, click the +Add Icon at the top right of the Resident Notes or Resident Correspondence card.


  • If adding Resident Correspondence as a Document, there is an extra field named Received from Branch that is displayed.



  • A warning message appears if a Resident Note or Resident Correspondence is selected to be deleted.





Publisher Record Tab


Step 1 Select the Publisher Record Tab to view the resident’s Service Reports card.


  • Note: The Publisher Record Tab is only active if the resident’s Spiritual Status on the Status Tab is set to Unbaptized Publisher or Baptized Publisher.





  • You can view the resident’s monthly field service activity for the current or past service year in the Service Reports card.
    1. The service report month and year is displayed in the Month column.
    2. A Checkmark indicates that the publisher shared in the ministry during the month
    3. A No Symbol shows that the publisher did not participate in the ministry during the month
    4. A Note Icon is displayed when there are comments added to the monthly service report.
    5. The number of bible studies conducted is also displayed in the Bible Studies column.  A dash symbol means no bible studies were conducted for the month.





Step 2 To record service activity or edit previously recorded activity, from the year and month, click on the Chevron Icon.


  • The current month will be available to edit and submit at any time during the month.



Step 3 Determine if the resident shared in the ministry, and if any Bible studies were conducted during the report month.

  • If the resident did share in the ministry during the report month, select Shared in any form of the ministry during the month
  • If the resident did not share in the ministry during the report month, select Did not participate in ministry during the month
  • Enter the number of Bible Studies Conducted. 
  • Click Save.


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 Last Updated: June 14, 2024