Overview: This article intends to provide a series of steps for a volunteer to view or volunteer future meetings and/or shifts.
Step 1 From the Navigation Panel select My Ministry.
Step 2 After selecting My Ministry, the current month's Calendar will display. You will see your scheduled shifts or meetings for the current day in the My Schedule card. The Shifts and Meetings card will show any available shifts or meetings at your assigned facility.
- Note: If the screen is reduced in size or a mobile device is used, the Calendar is followed by the Shifts and Meetings card, then the My Schedule card.
Step 3 Click the Chevron (left or right arrows) in the Calendar to navigate to past or future months.
Step 4 Click on the desired date to view available Shifts and Meetings. Available shifts can be identified by the purple circle around the date. Scheduled meetings and/or shifts are shown in the Calendar with a purple dot in the upper right corner of the date.
- Note: Click on the Information Icon next to the Month/Year to view the various icons/shapes and how these are used in the calendar.
Step 6 The following meeting detail cards will be displayed:
- The Meeting Info card shows the meeting date, time, facility name, location, and any relevant notes.
- The Meeting Agenda card displays the names of meeting participants.
- The Volunteers Attending card displays the volunteers attending and the meeting participants.
Step 7 To view details of a shift, click the Chevron (right arrow) to the right of a shift in the My Schedule card.
Step 8 The Shift Details drawer will open. The drawer will display the shift date, time, location, and participants.
Step 9 The Shifts and Meetings card will provide information on available meetings and/or shifts for the date selected.
Step 10 To volunteer for a single shift, on the selected date, click the Chevron (right arrow) of the available shift to open the Add Shift drawer.
Step 11 Click the +Add Icon to add the shift to your schedule.
Step 12 To schedule a recurring shift, click the +Add Recurring Icon and confirm the recurring shift by clicking the Add Icon in the Confirm Recurring Shift confirmation box.
- Note: If +Add Recurring shift was clicked in error, click the Cancel Icon.
Step 13 The Scheduled shift(s) will appear in your My Schedule card.
Step 14 To volunteer for a meeting, in the Shifts and Meetings card, click the Chevron next to the desired meeting.
Step 15 Click on the +Add To Schedule Icon. A box will briefly appear in the lower right corner of the screen that says Meeting Added, confirming your selection. The meeting will now show in the My Schedule card.
- Note: Once your meeting has been added, the +Add To Schedule Icon will be replaced with Options.
Step 16 The My Schedule card provides you with a quick view of any scheduled meetings and/or shifts you have for the selected day.
- To view details of a meeting, click the Chevron (right arrow) to the right of a meeting in the My Schedule card.
Last Updated: December 9, 2023