Overview: The Applicants Module is to be used by the back-office volunteers to Add Applicants, Export Applicants, track the process, and ensure the integrity of the application process for volunteers engaged in the prison ministry. This article will demonstrate how to navigate through the Applicants module, including all its Tabs, and how to Add relevant information for the applicant.
Administrative Access: The type of Access Level needed is Zone or Regional.
Contact Info Tab
Step 1 From the Navigation Panel, Under Administration, Select Applicants.
Step 2 The Applicants Module displays an applicant’s Name, Congregation, Mobile, and E-Mail. Application Step indicates the status of the application. Assigned To indicates the name of the individual assigned to complete the application process.
- Note: The search box may be used to search for an Applicant. Begin typing in the search box and select the Magnifying Glass Icon to execute the search. The results will appear by Name in alphabetical order.
- To sort the results in descending order, hover over the field and select the arrow.
- Select Export in the upper right corner of the table to export the results of the search into a .csv (comma space delimited) file that can be opened as a spreadsheet.
- To make changes to an existing applicant, select the ellipses on the far right of the applicant’s record. You may choose to Edit, Add Document, or Delete the profile.
Step 3 To add a new applicant, select the Add icon.
Step 4 The Add Applicant form will allow you to enter all the pertinent information needed to process the application. The form consists of five Tabs along the top axis of the page: Contact Info, Theocratic Info, Application Info, Application Steps, and Documents. The purple line indicates the Tab you are viewing.
Step 5 To unlock the remaining Tabs and activate the Save function, enter the required fields for Contact Info: First Name, Last Name, and Email for the Applicant. Click Save once complete. An error message will pop-up if the email address provided exists on another Applicant profile.
Step 6 Enter the 10-digit Home and Mobile number of the applicant. Use the drop-down menu to select the Service Provider of the mobile number and indicate whether the applicant Opts-in to receive text messages by selecting the check box.
Step 7 Personal Info section.
- Enter the Address with street name and number, City and 5-digit Zip Code. Use the drop-down menu to select the State.
- Use the calendar widget by selecting the calendar icon to select the Date of Birth. The date may also be type when entered in YYYY-MM-DD form.
- Use the drop-down menu to select the Gender.
- Use the drop-down menu to select the Marital Status.
- Use the calendar widget by selecting the calendar icon to select the Date of last TB Testing (tuberculosis). The date may also be type when entered in YYYY-MM-DD form. If the applicant has not had a recent screening, this field may be left blank.
Step 8 Languages Spoken section.
- Use the drop-down menu to select the Language Spoken by the participant. Indicate the proficiency by using the Yes/No drop-down menus for Speak, Read, and Write.
- Click on the X that follows the Write tab in order to delete a language entry.
- Select + Add Another Language to add enter additional languages.
Step 9 Emergency Contact Info section.
- Enter the Name and Phone number of the Applicant’s Emergency Contact.
- Use the drop-down menu to indicate the Relationship of this individual to the applicant.
Step 10 Scroll back up to the page and select Save and select the Theocratic Info Tab to continue.
Theocratic Info Tab
Overview: This Tab provides and tracks the Congregation Name, Baptismal Date, and Theocratic Responsibilities of the applicant.
Step 1 Select the Congregation name from the dropdown list.
Once the Congregation name is selected, the Circuit and Zone information corresponding to the Congregation will be added automatically. This information will show below the Congregation name.
Step 2 Enter the Date of Baptism. You can select the date by using the calendar widget or you can enter it in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Step 3 Enter the Theocratic Information.
Use the corresponding boxes to select one or more Theocratic Responsibilities.
Step 4 Select Save when finished.
Application Info Tab
Overview: The Application Info Tab provides additional information regarding the Applicant including Past Criminal Record, Weekdays availability, and Weekend days available monthly.
Step 1 Click on the Application Info Tab.
Step 2 Click on the Past Criminal Record dropdown menu and select the appropriate answer, No or Yes.
Step 3 Under Weekdays availability, click on the dropdown menu and select Available for the applicable weekday(s) for which the Applicant is available to volunteer.
- Note: Each weekday (Monday-Friday) is defaulted as Unavailable.
Step 4 Select the time frame the Applicant is available; Morning, Afternoon or Evening, and Halfday or Fullday.
Step 5 Under Weekend days available monthly, click on the Saturdays dropdown menu and select the number of Saturdays the applicant is available to volunteer.
Step 6 Under Weekend days available monthly, click on the Sundays dropdown menu and select the number of Sundays the applicant is available to volunteer.
Step 7 Click the Save button to save the changes.
Application Steps Tab
Overview: This article is intended to provide you with an overview and sequential steps to follow when completing the Application Steps Tab in the Applicant Module. This article will cover adding information in Applicant Assigned To, Application Template, and Applicant Status in the Application Steps Tab.
Step 1 Select the Application Steps Tab.
Step 2 Select the Contact Name from the Applicant Assigned To dropdown menu, and the template from the Application Template dropdown menu.
- Note: To add a profile picture, click on the Add Icon.
Step 3 Click the Checkbox next to each step you wish to mark as completed. You may also add notes to the appropriate Notes field below each step.
- Note: The list of steps that appear will be unique to the template selected.
Step 4 Once all the steps in the Application Progress subheading are complete, you may now select Applicant Status with the dropdown box. Choose either Approved or Not Approved.
- Note: Application Status dropdown menu will not be enabled until all Application Progress boxes have been marked as completed.
Step 5 Once all Application Progress steps are complete, click Save. Logout when finished in Gate Access.
Documents Tab
Overview: The Documents Tab allows you to upload documents for an Applicant.
Step 1 Select the Add button to add a document for an applicant.
Step 2 There are two options to upload a document in the Add Document drawer.
- Drag and drop the document into the Drag and drop file here section
- Click Browse Files and navigate to your documents to select the file.
All documents must be 5MB or less in a PDF format.
Step 3 Use the dropdown menu to select a Document Type. Enter the Description of the document. To remove the uploaded document, click the X button.
Step 4 Select Save when finished.
Step 5 The uploaded document will appear on the Documents landing page.
• To make changes to an existing document, select the ellipses on the far right of the listed document. You may choose to View, Download, or Delete the document.
Last Updated: September 4, 2023